Ram Charan, who will be turning 38 tomorrow (March 27), had pre-birthday celebrations on the sets of his next film RC15. The actor celebrated his birthday with co-star Kiara Advani, director S Shankar and choreographer Prabhu Deva. The images from the celebrations are going viral in which we can see crew members showering rose petals on Ram Charan. A fan page has shared several photos from the bash. In the first image, Ram Charan looks dapper in a blue shirt and white pants, followed by the happy images with RC15 Team. In the last image, Ram Charan can be seen cutting the cake surrounded by Kiara, S Shankar and the crew members.
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RC15 is a political thriller action film in which Ram Charan plays a dual role. Apart from Kiara Advani, the movie also stars Anjali, S. J. Suryah and Jayaram in the lead roles. The movie marks the debut of director S Shankar in the Telugu film industry. The movie is expected to release this year, but the makers are yet to announce the release date.
Meanwhile, Ram Charan received a grand welcome on the sets of RC15 after his film RRR won the Oscars for Best Original Song for the viral track Naatu Naatu. Ram Charan shared a video on his Instagram handle thanking everyone for the "sweet surprise". "Can't thank you all enough for such a warm welcome. Our Grand master @prabhudevaofficial sir thank you for the sweet surprise. Feels great to be back at shoot #RC15," read the caption.
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Meanwhile, Ram Charan also has a cameo role in Salman Khan's much-awaited film Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, co-starring Pooja Hegde.
from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/KHpVZlX
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