Cheteshwar Pujara took to Twitter to post a video of his batting along with a short message just a day after he was dropped from the India's Test squad for the upcoming tour of West Indies. The exclusion of Pujara prompted a massive discussion among fans and experts with several of them criticising the selectors for singling out the veteran for the failures of Indian batters in the WTC final. Pujara did not have a good outing in the match. In the post he shared on social media, the right-handed batter could be seen playing a number of shots at the crease. He added just two emojis along with his Twitter post.
— Cheteshwar Pujara (@cheteshwar1) June 24, 2023
Earlier, legendary India opener Sunil Gavaskar had his say about Pujara's exclusion from the side.
"Why has he been dropped? Why has he been made the scapegoat for our batting failures. He has been a loyal servant of India cricket. A loyal and quiet servant. A loyal and quiet achiever. But because he does not have millions of followers on platforms who will make a noise in case he gets dropped, you drop him. That is something beyond understanding. What is the criteria of dropping him and keeping the others who failed? I do not know because nowadays, there is no media interaction with the selection committee chairman," Gavaskar said in an interaction with Sports Today.
Best of luck for comeback
— Shubman Gang (@ShubmanGang) June 24, 2023
Not finished
— Naveen (@_naveenish) June 24, 2023
Comeback stronger like Rahane and ignore all comments including mine
— Mr Wrong / Cr7 & Abd (@wrong_huihui) June 24, 2023
"He has been playing country cricket. So, he has played a lot of red-call cricket and he knows what it is about. Today, people can play till they are 39-40 years old and as long as you are producing runs, I do not think age should be a factor. Apart from (Ajinkya) Rahane, the batting completely failed. Why Pujara has been made the fall guy is something the selectors will have to explain," he added.
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